
About the Works

Brian “Antonio” McCarley’s current works look to unpack his perception of time and space alongside an exploration of the energy required in the never ending struggle to defy, alter, or understand time. Brian often thinks about what he would change if given the chance to alter time and his choices thus far. In this introspective work, reclaimed materials are used as a vehicle for exploration because they once served another purpose, forever intertwined with another time or another life. The wood was reclaimed from a tree that towered over his backyard, the steel from oil tanks used in houses. Even Brian’s tools of craft are often sourced from friends and family.

The process by which this series came to be is riddled with obstacles and endless amounts of chaotic energy. These sculptures, burned with fire and welded using high voltages of electricity, speak to the massive amounts of energy often associated with portals of which these forms take shape.